Wintecare at the FTP18 International Conference on Physiotherapy 2018 in Barcelona
With experts from all over the world and innovative issues, the International Conference on Physiotherapy in Barcelona on 4 and 5 May is an opportunity for networking and a chance to discover the latest progress made in treatments and research.
Thanks to our colleagues at Wintecare Spain, we were able to take part in the event as exhibitors and two hold informative workshops: one on the use of a diathermic tool for manual fascial techniques and the other on errors and fallacies about tecar technology. The attendance and interest shown in the issue presented show just how aware Spain is of the use of electro medical apparatus in physiotherapy, recognising its effectiveness in terms of results.
The international trend in conservative therapies is clearly oriented towards physical therapy and, in particular, towards the combination of several tools and competences together to achieve the best therapeutic results. Scientific research, which continues to make progress in studies of anatomy and how the various muscles and parts of the skeleton function, forces companies to continually update their technologies and applications. For operators this translates into a growing demand for ongoing technical training throughout their entire career. A degree and specialisation therefore become the basis for more in-depth specialist studies.
Who can provide an answer to this need?
Perhaps intellectual collaboration between universities and companies may speed up the process.