August 14, 2018 Categorised in:

European championships 2018: an all-European mini-Olympics

The European championships in Glasgow and Berlin are a unique sporting event that has, for the first time, brought together a host of different sports in two weeks in an event that may be considered a European mini-Olympics. The athletics will take place in Berlin, at the Olympic stadium, the scene of important sporting events such as the FIFA World cup finals in 2006, the 2009 World Athletics championships and the 2015 Champions League final.

Thanks to the collaboration with Nike, the technical sponsor of the event, the Wintecare team of specialists captained by Simone Luca Binda and consisting of Javier Gonzalez Gorriz, Hydeyuki Shibachi, Beatriz Jimenez and Simone Collio, have had the opportunity to take part in this great event, completing 59 treatment sessions and supporting 30 athletes.

As usual, we would like to thank the athletes who came by our station and, in particular, offer our congratulations to Yasmani Copello, silver in the men’s 400m hurdles, Dafne Schippers, a beautiful silver in the women’s 200m and bronze in the 100m, Shara Proctor, bronze in the long jump, Bahta Meraf, bronze in the 10000m, Sergey Shubenkov, silver in the men’s 110m hurdles and Alexis Copello, silver in the triple jump.

Taking part in events of this calibre has always offered a great opportunity to our specialists who, in their own small way, contribute with their treatment sessions to what happens on the track during the competition. Every athlete experiences the competition in a different way, but for all of them that brief moment when they give everything they’ve got is the conclusion to a longer journey consisting of training, muscle activation and recovery sessions, mental coaching and a lot of hard work.

The determining variables for achieving important goals are mainly: having a good coach, believing in yourself and working steadily, and being in good physical condition. WINTECARE works constantly with its team of specialists on the last of these variables, so that the athletes can always feel at the peak of their potential. In addition, participating in important events like the European championships in Berlin enable us to collect a significant quantity of data which we work on during the year to develop applications to integrate with the athletes’ training programmes.

It has been an unforgettable experience, but the WINTECARE team is not stopping there: we’re already preparing for our next appointment! Follow us on our social media to discover our next stop.